(prompt "Where do you want Amiconnect to be installed?")
(help @askdir-help)
(default "amitcp:bin")
(set @default-dest acdest)
(makeassign "ac" acdest
(prompt "Copying Amiconnect to " acdest )
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source "mainprogram")
(dest acdest)
(makedir "amitcp:docs"
(set docdest
(prompt "Where do you want Amiconnects Doc File to be installed?")
(help @askdir-help)
(default "amitcp:docs")
(prompt "Copying Amiconnect Docs to " docdest )
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source "docs/amiconnect.guide")
(dest docdest)
(prompt "Copying Amiconnect Docs to amitcp:docs")
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source "docs/amiconnect.guide")
(dest "amitcp:docs")
(set installnews
(default 1)
(prompt "Do you wish to install a new postnews script\nso that GRn can postnews.\nThis script will also allow GRn and other newseditors\nto use Newsed's group signature option.")
(help @ask-bool)
(if (= installnews 1)
( ( set whichpostnews
(default 0)
(prompt "Are you a Demon Internet subscriber?")
(help "Does you email address end in .demon.co.uk?\nIf it does select Yes else select No")
(if (= whichpostnews 0)
( (copyfiles
(prompt "Copying PostNews to Amitcp:bin ")
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source "amitcp/bin/postnews.nntpput")
(dest "amitcp:bin")
(newname "postnews")
(prompt "Copying NNTP Put to Amitcp:bin ")
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source "amitcp/bin/nntpput")
(dest "amitcp:bin")
(prompt "Copying Sendnews to Amitcp:bin ")
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source "amitcp/bin/sendnews")
(dest "amitcp:bin")
(prompt "Copying PostNews to Amitcp:bin ")
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source "amitcp/bin/postnews.demon")
(dest "amitcp:bin")
(newname "postnews")
(prompt "Copying Common News Stuff to Amitcp:bin ")
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source "amitcp/bin/all")
(dest "amitcp:bin")
(set fo 0)
(set installmail
(default 1)
(prompt "Do you wish to install the mail daemon \nso that you can receive incoming mail")
(message "I now need to setup your \nusr,news,mail,spool and lib directories\nIf this is your first AmiTCP setup\n just use the defaults\nif not specify your current directories" (SAFE))
(set usrdir
(prompt "Where is your usr: directory")
(help "This is the directory where all your \n news,mail,lib,spool directories are usually kept")
(default "amitcp:usr")
(set uunewsdir
(prompt "Where is your uunews: directory")
(help "This is the directory where all your \n news articles will be stored")
(default "amitcp:usr/news")
(set uumaildir
(prompt "Where is your uumail: directory")
(help "This is the directory where all your \n mail will be stored")
(default "amitcp:usr/mail")
(set uulibdir
(prompt "Where is your uulib: directory")
(help "This is the directory where various files are stored/n including your newsgroup, signature, header and config files/n/n It is NOT your libs: library directory")
(default "amitcp:usr/lib")
(makeassign "uulib" uulibdir (SAFE))
(set uuspooldir
(prompt "Where is your uuspool: directory")
(help "This is the directory where all your \n outgoing mail, news and the incoming news batchfile \nwill be stored")
(default "amitcp:usr/spool")
(set intro ("; This file contain assigns to important directories\n"))
(set intro2 ("; You may need to change the from what values are set\n"))
(set firststline ("path amitcp:bin add \n"))
(set line1 ("assign usr: %s \n" usrdir))
(set line2 ("assign uunews: %s \n" uunewsdir))
(set line3 ("assign uumail: %s \n" uumaildir))
(set line4 ("assign uuspool: %s \n" uuspooldir))
(set line5 ("assign uulib: %s \n" uulibdir))
(set line6 ("assign inet: amitcp: \n"))
(dest "amitcp:bin/amiconnect.dos")
(append intro)
(append intro2)
(append firstline)
(append line1)
(append line2)
(append line3)
(append line4)
(append line5)
(append line6)
(dest "t:newsgroups")
(append "comp.sys.amiga.announce 7\n")
(append "comp.sys.amiga.misc 7\n")
(append "demon.ip.support.amiga 7\n")
(dest "uulib:seq")
(append "1")
(dest "t:tmpaliases")
(append "Postmaster: $user")
(run "type t:tmpaliases >> uulib:aliases"
(run "type t:newsgroups >> uulib:newsgroups"
(message "We must now setup Amiconnect\nWe will start with your User Details"
(help "You need to set up various environment variable so that Amiconnect will function correctly.\nThe following part of the installer will assist in this procedure")
(set acemail
(prompt "Enter Your E-Mail Address")
(help "Amiconnect needs your e-mail address to configure several options\n\nYou should enter your full address i.e. username@anyone.provider.co.uk")
(default "username@internet.provider")
(dest "env:ac!email")
(append acemail)
(set realname
(prompt "Enter Your Real Name")
(help "This is the name which will be sent with your mail and news messages\nIt helps people see who you really are, if you do not set this you will be known as realname")
(default "Realname")
(dest "env:realname")
(append realname)
(dest "envarc:realname")
(append realname)
(set home
(prompt "Where is your home: directory?")
(help "This is the directory which many programs use to store data relevant to the current user.\n\nIt is also quite often the default directory for FTP downloads and saving WWW pages")
(default "amitcp:usr")
(dest "env:ac!home")
(append home)
(message "We now need to setup your modem details, this may be tricky, so have your modem manual handy."
(set serial
(prompt "What serial device driver are you using?")
(help "This is the program that allows the Amiga to talk to the modem via your serial port.\n\nThe driver supplied with your Amiga is called serial.device but you are advised to use an improved driver such as artser.device")
(default "devs:serial.device")
(dest "env:ac!serial")
(append serial)
(set devno
(prompt "What serial port number are you using?")
(help "The inbuilt serial port is 0, unless you have an additional serial ports added to your Amiga you should use this port")
(default "0")
(dest "env:ac!devno")
(append devno)
(set bdrte
(prompt "What baud rate do you wish to use?")
(help "This is the rate that your Amiga communicates with the modem.\n\nIf you are using a 14400 modem use 19200 or 38400\nIf you are using a 28800 modem use 38400 or 57600\n\nPlease note a standard Amiga will not cope with rates above 57600.")
(prompt "What protocol do you wish to \nuse to connect to the net?")
(help "This is the tcp/ip protocol that you will use to interact with internet, the three main protocols are\n\nSLIP - Serial Line Internet Protocol\nCSLIP as above with compression\nPPP - Point to Point Protocol")
(choices "SLIP" "CSLIP" "PPP")
(default 1)
(if (= slip 0) (set slipdev "SLIP"))
(if (= slip 1) (set slipdev "CSLIP"))
(if (= slip 2) (set slipdev "PPP"))
(dest "env:ac!slipdev")
(append slipdev)
(set init
(prompt "Enter Modem Initialisation String")
(help "This is the command you send to you modem to reset/initialise it.\n This is nearly always ATZ")
(default "ATZ")
(dest "env:ac!init")
(append init)
(set dial
(prompt "Enter Your Modems Dial Command")
(help "This will depend on whether you are connected to a pulse dial exchange or a tone dial compatable exchange\nMost modern exchanges are tone dial and the usual command is ATDT, for pulse dial it is usually ATDP.")
(default "ATDT")
(dest "env:ac!dial")
(append dial)
(set helpdtr "The DTR (Data Terminal Ready) signal tells the modem to drop the call once all data has stopped.\n As amiconnect needs to stop data transmission while it switches from the serial device to the network (slip/ppp) driver, we need to overide")
(set helpdtr2 "this signal.\n\n On a USRobotics Sportster modem this command is AT&d0")
(set helpdtrt
(cat helpdtr helpdtr2)
(set dtr_on
(prompt "Enter the command to\noveride DTR (Data Terminal Ready)")
(help helpdtrt)
(default "AT&d0")
(dest "env:ac!dtr_on")
(append dtr_on)
(set dtr_off
(prompt "Enter the command to disable\n the DTR (Data Terminal Ready) overide")
(help "This is the command which resets the DTR (Data Terminal Ready) overide to off.\n\nFor a USRobotics Sportster this is AT&d2")
(default "AT&d2")
(dest "env:ac!dtr_off")
(append dtr_off)
(set hang
(prompt "Enter the command to hang up the modem")
(help "This command is needed to disconnect your modem call to your service provider, failure to set this correctly could lead to a very large telephone bill!\n\nThe usual command is ATH")
(default "ATH")
(dest "env:ac!hang")
(append hang)
(set cmd
(prompt "What is the escape code to return your modem to command mode?")
(help "This command is needed to switch your modem into its command mode in the middle of data transmission. It is referred to commonly as the escape code.\n\nOn USRobotics Sportster Modems it is +++")
(default "+++")
(dest "env:AC!cmd")
(append cmd)
(set dte1 "This is probably the most problematic command to enter.\n In manuals it may be referred to as the DTE Rate, Terminal to Modem, serial port rate or simply Data Rate.")
(set dte2 "\nYou need to set this command so that the data rate is fixed.\n\n On a USRobotics Sportster the command is at&b1\n\nOn some other modems the command is /n")
(set dtehelp
(cat dte1 dte2)
(set datarate
(prompt "Enter the command to set the serial port data rate (DTE)")
(help dtehelp)
(default "AT&b1")
(dest "env:ac!datarate")
(append datarate)
(set ok
(prompt "What string does your modem return when a command has been completed successfully?")
(help "This is usually OK.\n\nIf this isn't set correctly Amiconnect will not know whether your modem has completed what it has been asked to do")
(default "OK")
(dest "env:ac!ok")
(append ok)
(message "We now need to enter details about your service provider"
(set ip1 "This is the number which you will be given when you open your internet")
(set ip2 "account (unless you have dynamic access), it is in the form of 4 numbers")
(set ip3 "such as ???.???.???.???\n\nIf you have dynamic access and are using PPP")
(set ip4 "please use as your ip number")
(set iphelp
(cat ip1 ip2 ip3 ip4)
(set ipno
(prompt "Enter Your IP Number")
(help iphelp)
(default "")
(dest "env:ac!ipno")
(append ipno)
(set gate
(prompt "Enter your providers IP number")
(help "This is the numeric IP address of your internet providers main computer that you logon to, often called the gateway address.")
(default "???.???.???.???")
(dest "env:ac!gate")
(append gate)
(set mailserver
(prompt "Enter the address of your providers mailserver")
(help "The mailserver is the computer which stores your email, you need to enter this address inorder to collect mail.\nIt is often called post.provider.name, gpo.provider.name or mail.provider.name")
(default "post.provider.name")
(dest "env:ac!mailserver")
(append mailserver)
(set newsserver
(prompt "Enter the address of your providers news server")
(help "The news server is the computer which stores usenet news, you need to enter this if you wish to download news.\n This is commonly news.provider.name.")
(default "news.provider.name")
(dest "env:ac!newsserver")
(append newsserver)
(set pop1
(prompt "Enter the name of your main pop")
(help "This is essential if your are using Control Panel.\n It is suggested that you enter the location of the main pop here such as London.")
(default "Yourtown")
(dest "env:ac!pop1")
(append pop1)
(set phone1
(prompt "Enter the phone number of your main pop")
(help "Enter the phone number you usually dial to connect your computer to the internet")
(default "01234 5678")
(dest "env:ac!phone1")
(append phone1)
(set pop2
(prompt "Enter the name of your backup pop")
(help "This is essential if your are using Control Panel.\nMany providers have additional pops which you may use when your pop is down or engaged, if so enter your second choice of pop here.")
(default "Yourtown")
(dest "env:ac!pop2")
(append pop2)
(set phone2
(prompt "Enter the phone number of your backup pop")
(help "Enter the phone number you dial if your first pop is unable to connect your computer to the internet")
(default "01234 5678")
(dest "env:ac!phone2")
(append phone2)
(set login1 "The standard login procedure will cope with most service providers. If your login procedure is similar to that below please use the standard procedure, otherwise you will need to use the advanced login")
(set login2 "\n\nSystem sends login/username prompt, you reply with username\nThe system then sends password prompt, you reply with your password\nThe system then asks what protocol you are using (slip or PPP), you reply either slip or ppp\n")
(set login3 "you are then logged on and on the net.\n\n the actual prompts can be changed but they need to be in the above order and shouldn't have any additional requests for information\n\n")
(set login4 "The advanced login requires you to enter quite a bit of data, so it is advised that if unsure you try the standard login first and then if that fails use the advanced login script to attempt to setup the advanced login.")
(set loginhelp
(cat login1 login2 login3 login4)
(set logintype
(prompt "Do you want to use the standard or advanced login procedure?\n\n(Please see help for more details)")
(help loginhelp)
(choices "Standard Login" "Advanced Login")
(default 1)
(if (= logintype 1)
;Standard login clauses
(set acprompt
(prompt "Enter login prompt")
(help "This is the initial prompt which is usually Login: or User:\nIt is often advisable to miss off the first character so login: would be ogin:")
(default "ogin:")
(dest "env:ac!prompt")
(append acprompt)
(set loginname
(prompt "Enter your response to the login prompt")
(help "This is usually your username or your nodename")
(default "username")
(dest "env:ac!loginname")
(append loginname)
(set passprompt
(prompt "Enter the prompt that requests your password")
(help "What text is displayed just before you usually enter your password?\nThis is usually pass: or password:")
(default "assword:")
(dest "env:ac!passprompt")
(append passprompt)
(set password
(prompt "Enter your password")
(help "What do you type when asked for your password")
(default "********")
(dest "env:ac!password")
(append password)
(set protocol
(prompt "Enter the protocol prompt")
(help "This is the prompt that asks what protocol you are using.\nAmiconnect will reply to this prompt with either slip or ppp depending on how you set up the modem details")
(default "rotocol:")
(dest "env:ac!protocol")
(append protocol)
(set sendcmd "#")
(dest "amitcp:db/aclogonscript")
(until (= sendcmd "\0")
(set rcvcmd
(prompt "Enter Prompt\n\n(leave blank to exit dialscript editor")
(help "Enter the text which your internet provider has sent for you to reply to, e.g. login:")
(set sendcmd
(prompt "Enter Response To Prompt - " rcvcmd " \n\n(leave blank to exit dialscript editor)")
(help "Enter the text which you send after receiving the prompt mentioned in previous data entry box")
(prompt "Your mail or news program may \nrequire a file called uulib:config.\nAn example is included in the \nlib directory of this archive.\n\nDo You wish to install this file?")
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source "lib/config")
(dest "uulib:")
(set editconfig
(prompt "Do you wish to edit uulib:config")
(help "If you installed the uulib:config file using the previous requester, you will now need to edit it, or you will have BIG problems")
(if (= editconfig 1)
(run "ed uulib:config")
(message "Installation complete, you're on your own now")